Chiropractic Adjustments
Do you struggle with daily pain and feelings of restriction? You could benefit from an adjustment!
Adjustments are a small, high velocity low amplitude thrust that is applied to a specific joint that has become dysfunctional and stopped moving efficiently. This causes a rapid collapse of a gas bubble within the joint space that creates the famous “pop” noise you may have heard online or through social media. Do not worry, there is nothing being torn or broken, it is simply a collapsible gas bubble.
Despite what you may have heard in the past, adjustment DO NOT realign the spine, it simply isn’t something our joints are capable of due to the stability our ligaments provide. Instead, what this does is help restore the normal motion within the joint space, so that surrounding tissue can also perform most efficiently.
Benefits of chiropractic adjustments include: increasing flexibility and mobility, restoring proper joint motion, decrease in muscle spasms and act as an instant analgesic (pain relief).
Common applications for this treatment include: ankle pain (achilles tendinopathy), hip pain, neck pain (cervical strain/sprain), tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis), golfers elbow (medial epicondylitis), heel pain (plantar fasciitis), performis syndrome (sciatica), wrist pain (carpal tunnel syndrome), back pain (lumbar sprain/strain), knee pain (patellofemoral disorders), shoulder pain (rotator cuff tendonosis) and ankle sprains