Frequently Asked Questions

What is Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractic care utilizes a holistic approach to general health and wellbeing. We use a variety of tools and skills to assess, diagnose and treat your conditions. One of the primary tools that chiropractors are most well known for is the adjustment. This is a manipulation of the joint where a high velocity low amplitude thrust is put into the joint space to restore range of motion that may not have been functioning optimally.

How is your care different from other chiropractors?

We differ in a variety of ways, but some of the biggest differences are the amount of time we spend with each patient; we use a 1-on-1 approach in our office for a full 40 minutes. This allows us to spend a substantial amount of time truly getting to the root of the issue and applying multiple modalities and skills to your unique condition, so that you’re getting the best results possible. We are NOT an adjust and go type of clinic nor do we just give you temporary pain relief and send you on your way; we specialize in optimizing you and helping you become the healthiest version of yourself so that you can conquer the world in your own unique way rather than constantly worrying about injury or re-injury.

Does Chiropractic care hurt?

Chiropractic care is incredibly safe, and does not hurt. Some patients report mild soreness/tenderness the next day due to a change in soft tissue but it quickly resolves within 24-48 hours.

Do you just do adjustments?

Nope, we are a different type of chiropractic office. We utilize Graston, cupping, flossing, extremity adjusting, selective functional movement assessment, joint mobilization techniques, myofascial release therapy, functional strength and rehabilitation and many other tools.

I'm afraid to have my neck cracked, does that mean I can't be a patient?

Of course you can still be a patient! The great thing about our clinic is we have extensive training in different techniques for our patients who are apprehensive about having their neck adjusted. We meet you where you’re at and utilize other tools if it’s not your thing, so don’t let that detour you. There’s plenty of other ways we can still help you.

Am I the right patient for Rx Chiropractic And Performance?

The right patient for Rx Chiropractic And Performance is the patient who wants to truly optimize their performance in everyday activities. These patients are the ones who aren’t just looking for the quick fix, but instead want to know how best to care for themselves, who want to be strong in all the activities that they do whether its a high level athlete, the grandparents who want to be able to play with their grandkids, or the middle aged adult who wants to make sure they’re able to have fun with their kid and participate in truly memorable family activities without pain. If you resonate with any of that, you ARE the patient I want to work with. If you’re fully committed to me, I am 110% committed to helping you achieve you’re goals.

What are the side effects?

Side effects are dependent on the treatment being used for your condition but most common are mild soreness/tenderness from adjustments. For cupping and Gaston it is not uncommon to see some bruising and temporary breaking of blood vessels in the treated area. These all quickly resolve

What insurances do you take?

We are a cash based clinic, BUT we do offer what’s called a superbill. This is a form that the doctor fills out at each visit in your charts and can print for you each year so you can submit to your insurance. This allows you and your insurer to have a conversation and talk about reimbursement from treatments you will pay for at time of visit.

We do it this way because this allows us the freedom to treat you in the best way we know how with no limitations that insurance can impose on your care plan. Integrity and quality of care is a core value in this clinic and the best way we know how to execute that is by treating you with a variety of tools and systems that are at our disposal without being stopped or delayed by your insurer.

If I go to the chiropractor once, will I have to go for the rest of my life?

Not necessarily, however, many of our patients continue to get routine care after their initial care plan because they want to protect that investment and they love the way their body feels when it’s moving well and allowing them to live their life to the fullest without limitations.

Who should go to the chiropractor?

You use your muscles, joints, tendons, nerves and ligaments every single day, repeatedly and sometimes in a highly aggressive manner if you’re doing complex tasks. So, our short answer is everyone! Routine care to your body could not only prevent future injuries from taking place down the line, but also increase your fulfillment in daily activities and hobbies. How great would it be to be able to participate in an activity without the fear of injury?

What type of education do chiropractors need to obtain in order to practice?

Chiropractors go through a very rigorous and extensive education journey. Chiropractic school is anywhere from 3.5-4 years long and is a full doctoral degree that emphasizes course work in anatomy and physiology, diagnostic imaging, gastroenterology, cardiology, pediatrics, differential diagnosis, biochemistry, OBGYN as well as many other courses. On top of the course work, we participate in clinical rotations as well as a preceptorship before qualifying for graduation. During this time in school, we are also required to take 4 national board examinations plus a state ethics exam. Some chiropractors also extend their knowledge in different course work post doctorate that helps them become more knowledgeable in their specialty.

Do I have to be an athlete in order to benefit from care?

While we do specialize in athletic injuries, we treat a variety of patients. Anyone and everyone can benefit from our care.